Safety of our Facility
We don't just trust anyone to maintain our equipment, as such we have established a service centre, in-house, with three full-time diesel mechanics and a workshop manager. This ensures our standard of excellence is within our control always!
Our facilities boast the highest safety standards as part of our commitment and investment to protect the general public, our employees and our valued clients.
Our commitment boils down to the most granular of levels. This includes paving safe walkways throughout our depots that are guarded by crash barriers (ensuring that operators, visitors and staff are secluded from areas where heavy machinery is operated). It is even reflected in our parking bays that house our cranes, trucks and trailers that are built with impact-rated guard rails.
These measures ensure that:
Risk inherited by customers is minimised and controlled
Transported goods are in safe hands,
Risk and exposure are identified, controlled and managed by VCH on behalf of customers and its clients, and
Customers brand, image and reputation is protected
This standard of safety is one of VCH's proudest accomplishments and is for the benefit and safety of staff, customers and the general public.
These measures not only ensure that VCH is a market leader, in sheer size and capability but also in safety and compliance.